Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Something borrowed-movie review

Hi, so its been a long time since i posted something. So i decided i'll post a movie review on a movie i just saw last night.

         Something Borrowed
"This movie is a downer for me, and for those who haven't seen it i wouldn't be reading this because i will mess it up for you. Ugh, well lets just say i hate this movie, because its not suppose to end like that. For all those who've seen the movie don't you think it should be Rachel and Ethan together or maybe even not, but not Rachel and Dex. Poor Darcy though, if i were her i would be so mad and heart broken. I'd probably kill them both! Haha ok enough ranting, here's how the movie goes."

This movie is about 2 best friends, one of them is a outgoing, all out party girl, Darcy(Kate Hudson). The other one is a laid back sweet smart girl, Rachel(Ginnifer Goodwin). Throughout their years of being friends Darcy has always been the one that every guy likes and wants, and she always gets whatever she wants. Rachel on the other hand is the total opposite. When Rachel was in college she met a friend name Dex(Colin Egglesfield) which she fell in love with. But one night she introduced Dex and Darcy together and lets just say she gave him to her, even though she really liked him she didn't think she was the kind of girl he would go for. For that reason Dex and Darcy started dating and is now getting married.
Of course Rachel happens to be the maid of honor and helps plan the wedding. On Rachel's birthday night she got really drunk and ended up sleeping with her best friends fiance, Dex. After that as the story goes on Dex and Rachel confess their deep lost love for one another and soon begin to see one another behind Darcy's back. I bet you're wondering what happens next...well i guess you're just gonna have to watch the movie and see for yourself.

I rate this movie a 3 out of 5 stars. I love all the actors but hate the storyline.

Friday, May 27, 2011


      Ok so this next video is about the stages of a relationship just like my previous post. I had a lot of fun putting this video together, the people in the video are my cousin, brother and uncle. We were at my grandparents anniversary party and I talked them into making my video. It was fun and so funny to record them. It was actually raining and a bunch of the little kids that were there kept wanting to be in the movie so they were all standing around the filming area. It was hard to try and get them not to over act but w.e it turned out good I think.

Funny story: The car they were in is my parents van, they parked the car next to the garage facing the fence and the back yard, so we pretended for them to act like they were driving LOL! is was FUN!

*oh and the guy Tae Yang that my cousin keeps talking about is a famous Korean pop star that she is madly in love with hahaha!
Ok so I guess I didn't think it was going to be that bad of a quality
so the first scene is: Infactuation and courtship
second scene (car scene): power struggle (jealousy, insecurity)
third scene: Awareness, transformation and acceptence

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Stages of a relationship

There are stages to every relationship, but these are the main ones that tend to happen in a long lasting relationship.
STAGE 1: Infactuation and courtship

 Everyone knows how it feels to be infactuated by another person. Everyone knows how it is to have that warm fuzzy feeling inside of you. The beginning stage of a relationship starts off by you two feeling like there is no one else in the world but you two. Each person tends to think about the other person constantly and want to be with that person at all times. This is when you get all the butterflies in the world and don't care about the stupid immature things that the other person does because you are BLIND by how amazing they are. I'm sure everyone has their ways of describing the first stage or maybe its a feeling you can't explain.
STAGE 2: Power Struggle

 This is when you two start to notice the little things about one another and adjust to reality. Minor arguments will start breaking out and can maybe escalate to bigger fights that can lead to breakups. This stage is when couples must learn to work together and put aside their differences to compromise. They must understand and communicate inorder to overcome their problems. But for some couples it can take years to get pass this stage if they don't cooperate. And you DO NOT want to be stuck in this stage because it then leads to an unhealthy relationship.

STAGE 3: Idenity formation and re-evaluation

 This stage is the most crucial for all relationships. It's either make it or break it. At this point of the relationship both of you begin to evaulate the love you have for each other and if you still want to be with each other. This is the dead end for the relationship and you two are stuck. Feelings and emotions start to come into play and intimacy can start to disappear. At this point both of you might be confused and affairs care most likely to occur. This stage is the hardest and it shows each of your true emotions. Many couples don't past this stage because there is a lack of communication, patience, understanding and trust.
STAGE 4: Awareness, and transformation

 After passing stage 3 this stage is also most important because its where you two reconnect and realize your needs for one another. Its when the war is over and you both have survived and its the time to rekindle your love. Yes I know it sounds corny but its the truth. This is when the couple realizes that they are better then what they use to be and can now do anything. There is now acceptence, understanding, patience, love, trust, and communication.

STAGE 5: Accepting

 There are few that make it to this stage but this is when each person is fully mature about the realtionship or can handle it. It's when responsibilites are understood and accepted to keep the relationship strong. About less than 5% of all couples make it to this stage, so be proud of yourself and you guys because YOU MADE IT!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Expert" interview-Fealy

I chose to interview Mrs. Fealy because she is the social worker at the school. Also i figured she'd have a good input on relationships. All the questions are honestly answered so please respect her thoughts.

1. What's your definition of a healthy relationship?

-A healthy relationship is one that has trust, communication, partnership, humor and caring.
 2. What's your definition of love?

-Love is a difficult word to define, I would say it is when you care about someone so much you know you want them to be a part of your life for a long time (or forever)

3. What advice would you give to a teen in a serious relationship?

- It depends…if it is a healthy relationship, my number one advice would be to make sure you have your own space and be yourself.  What I mean by that is, sometimes people can get caught up in each other so much they lose themselves in the relationship.
4. What advice would you give somone who is in a abusive relationship?

- I would give them some ways to handle the situation and empower them to remove themselves from the relationship.  They have to recognize first that it is an unhealthy relationship.  We also have other resources available to us that I can tap into for assistance.  Many people in abusive relationships are either hoping things will change or the do not know any better.  Sometimes education is needed on what is a healthy relationship and go from there. 

5. What trait do you think is the most important in a relationship?


6. When/how old were you when you first knew you were in love?

-Hmm…first “young” love, probably 15years old.  Real love…19 or 20?!?! 

7. Do you think there is a age limit to love? why?

-I am not sure…sometimes I feel yes, sometimes no.  It depends if it is healthy love and real.  I was young when I got married so I would be a hypocrite if I said YES.  J

8. Do you think age is just a number? why?

-Sometimes…it depends on the situation.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Be thankful

If you are in a relationship and know that the person you are with loves you a lot, even more than you than please BE THANKFUL!!! especially if you are the one that causes most of the problems in the relationship or if you are the one that needs to work on some things, be thankful.

If you are with someone that takes all your BULL****, after all the arguements and mistreatment you give them and they are still in love with you, please BE THANKFUL!!!

If you and your love one have been through ups and downs and he or she still is able to tell you they love and care for you everyday then please BE THANKFUL!!!

If YOU are the one that causes all the problems and are impatient and he or she is willing to deal with everything because they love you then BE THANKFUL!

Be thankful that you have someone that loves you more than you love them. I personally think that if it was between you loving someone more than they love you or having someone love you more than you love them i would have to chose someone loving you more than you love them.
  1. Be thankful that there is someone that can take all your BULL****
  2. Be thankful that there is someone who will always be there for you
  3. Be thankful that there is someone who loves you for who you are
  4. Be thankful that they don't leave you
  5. Be thankful that they still have hope in your relationship even though things have been so rough
  6. Be thankful that after everything they can still find a way to love you and forgive the things you did.
BUT....remember that a person can only take everything in for so long until they say enough is enough and leave you. Don't wait until then for you to realize what you are thankful for and what was great is now gone.

Take some time to listen to these songs
                                            Bon Jovi- Thankyou for loving me
Celine Dion- Becaused you loved me

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ways to express your feelings

Many people are in love but don't know how to show their special person they love them. Or they try hard to find ways of showing them ways of loving them. Girls and guys, its ok to take some tricks out of the movies, thats kind of what movies are for...to try and give you ideas.

Some things you can do:

1. Write a song or poem about how you feel about him/her or your feelings.
     Here are two songs that I think has great lyrics and feelings towards the other person.
                                                              Vanilla Twilight: Owl City
                                                               1234: Plain white t's

2. Take them out on dates, just you two.
     Every once in awhile take your special person out and spend some quality time with them. It could be as easy as a dinner/movie and games at home or a nice walk at the park then some ice cream or dinner after. It all depends though because some people don't like those things, but its worth the try.

to be continue...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Dating personality quizZzZZZzzzZZZZzzz!

Here is a dating personality quiz, it'll ask you some questions then give you your results at the end.
Take the quiz then post your answer and comment in the comments box.


Mine is:

Balanced dating personality

You have a balanced personality about dates. You neither want to go to date with anyone you come across, nor you want to impress him/her at any cost. You are not desperate for dates, but you enjoy them.

Whats your personality???

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Clingy or Distant?

Would you rather have someone who is too clingy or too distant? There are pros and cons to both.

A clingy person don't always have to mean that they are insecure, even though that is the main reason in most cases. But is can also mean that they just love you or like you a lot and want to spend more time with you. It can mean that they're trying to show you the love that they have for you, but in ways that are clingy and they don't mean for it.

A clingy person can cause the other person to feel cluttered with no room or freedom. Which can lead to breakups or lost of interest. Being too much of a clingy person can get the other person annoyed and makes the other person not able to do the things they love without being scoped out.

A distant person isn't always good either. It goes both ways. Lets say you are the distant person and your bf/gf is the clingy person. Since they are clingy they can start to think that you don't like them anymore or have something else going on. Meaning you are giving them the wrong perspective.

SO...which would you rather choose? just pick between the two.

Signs of clingy people

Ok so not everyone likes a clingy person. Most people that are clingy are most likely insecure. Here are some signs of a person that might be getting too clingy.

 "Insecurity is at the heart of clinginess"

1. Constantly blowing up your phone

    -If they are constantly texting you or calling you every minute or every hour then they are way to clingy which can lead to that person being insecure about the relationship

2. Wanting to know where you are all the time

   -Asking you where you are all the time isn't neccessary. But some people do it because they are insecure.

3. They have no life of their own

   - Spending every minute of everday with you, thinking about you daily and planning out your days together. Also if they skip out on group activities to hang out with you.

4. They're constantly worried about getting dump

   - Insecurity is at the heart of clinginess, that's all I have to say

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Relationship Video UP!!!

I interviewed Andrea, Sarah, Hector, Jaden, Vontaine and Dan for this video. All their answers were honest and truthful so please respect what they say.

For the video I asked them questions about relationships and what they thought about it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Plan: Video 4/13

For the video I am making I will be interviewing some people including myself about their relationships or anything they might have to say about relationships.

Monday, April 4, 2011

What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship? POLL

What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship?

you decide in the poll and give me a reason for your answer.

I think that the most important thing is TRUST. Without trust there is no relationship, because without trust there will be insecurity, and jealousy.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Abusive relationships

It doesn't matter if it's a guy hitting a girl or a girl hitting a guy. IT'S NOT OK! Abusive relationships are not healthy relationships. And if you think that he or she still gonna love you after he or she hits you, you're WRONG! Once a person lays a hand on another it will not stop (in most cases.)

Take it from me. I've been in a abusive relationship before and its not pretty. It was always arguments and hitting. I remember telling myself I will never let a guy lay their hands on me that way and if he does its done, but it wasn't. I stayed around, I was 15 years old and thought he was the love of my life. He said he'd never hit me or do anything to make me sad. Of course I believed him, because I loved him...so I thought. It first started with pushing to hitting on the face and arm then to the kicking. I finally was fed up with it and decided to stand up for myself. I knew I deserved better so I fought back. That didn't really do any good too cause it would just get worse. I finally left him and after that he begged for me back but you know what, its too late. I'm too good for someone like that, so I moved on.

Don't let love fool you. Love makes you blind and most times you can't see what is beyond that. Get yourself out of that relationship as soon as you can. Because if he/she did it once they WILL do it again. Just like the saying "once a player, will always be a player".

Abusive relationships don't have to just be physical, it can be mentally also. Don't let that person put you down by calling you names of all sorts.

Don't be scared to ask for help or advice, don't be scared to let other people know what's going on.
If you or anyone you know are going through an abusive relationship and need some professional advice here's a number to call.

WRIGHT COUNTY: 800-950-2203 (Task Force on Battered Women)

This video is very intense and real, I think that everyone should watch it even though it doesn't apply to you.  Just as long as you are aware of what can happen and how each person feels. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Acceptable and non-acceptable protocals of dating

     Well first off i'm sure most of you girls and guys have experienced or know someone who has been dumped through text or email. SUCKS! and whoever that person was is a WUSS. For girls most would want the guys to ask us on a date in person or through the phone, NOT TEXT! Like seriously, how am I suppose to know its you who wants to go on a date with me and not someone else using your phone?

Here are some things on what NOT to do when it comes to dating:
1. Never (guys especially) ask someone if they want to go out with you, thats middle school stuff.

Girls these days want gentlemen not boys, and if you say that it wouldn't mean for you guys to date just that you want to hangout with her. So the next time you want to ask a girl out try saying "do you want to be my girlfriend" or " do you want to go on a date with me" then ask her there (that's way sweeter :)

2. Never dump someone through text or email or worse have your friend say its over for you

If you are too scared to dump that person or you feel like they're going to get hurt its better to actually talk to them then through text, email or from a friend. Also it tells a lot about a person from doing that it shows that you still maybe want to be friends and you can explain yourself throughly with emotions rather than through writing. Because then the person you are dumping can take what you're saying the wrong way and hate you for the rest of your life.

3. Don't try to be a player, because you WILL GET CAUGHT!

Its a small world out there and everyone knows everyone, words spread like crazy so unless you want to be known as a sneaky jerk then don't do it. This goes for guys and girls.

4. Don't give up so easily

Some people give up on their relationship or the other person when things go bad. Remember, if you love that person as much as you say you do then you'd try to fix it with them no matter what. If you guys have been through everything together, ups and downs then why not try to get through the problem you guys have right then? I see relationships kind of like the game of tag. One person is going to have to always chase the other person until they can get that person happy, the person that gets tagged then has to chase the other person. It has to be fair when it comes to that though. One person can't chase the other person forever. Honestly just for the record most girls want the guys to chase them too see how far they would go, but that can lead to problems too.  

Here are some things you should/can do:
1. Guys, girls love a romantic guy.

You don't always have to be romantic but buying flowers "just because" it would cheer her up. Taking her out on a date from time to time would be nice. (Going out to tacobells and mcdonalds does not count.) Somewhere not too pricey but affordable for both of you and of course you're paying. GIRLS, you can do the same. Ask her " do you want to go on a date with me?" especially if you two have been dating for a long time, it'll bring back those blushy first moment days. GIRLS, don't let the guys do it all too. Do something nice for them once in awhile too, guys would appreciate it.

2. Make sure there is TRUST between you both

Everyone knows this, if there's no trust then there's no relationship. Make sure you both let eachother know you can trust one another so there won't be any trouble along the way. Also make sure you keep that trust, don't just expect them to trust you and you go sneaking around.

3. Make sure you remind the person you love that you love them and why

To keep a relationship good and strong with that spark, you don't have to constantly but let that special person know that you still love them and not the idea of them. Some people tend to get too comfortable with the person they love and forget why they even want to be with them or love them. Also don't just say it, show them.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Movies on relationships

                        He's just not that into you
This movie is the type that has different stories in it and in the end they all connect somehow. I love movies like that and this movie especially is a good one. It tells about how some girls try really hard to try to get a guy or his attention but in the end it doesn't work out. There are many good actors and actresses in this movie including, Scarlett Johanson, Ginnifer Goodwin, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston and Bradley Cooper. Most guys may think of this as a chick flick but you know, chick flicks are good for guys to watch too because they can learn from what girls expect from guys. I'd say that more guys should watch these kind of movies so they can see from different point of views also. All these movies all have different stories that connect in some way.

 Other Movies


Friday, March 18, 2011

Guys in General

Guys...can't live with them, can't live without them. I'm not going to say i know exactly how a guy's mind run, but from my previous experiences i would say that i know their personalities pretty well. There are 5 types of guys.
-Mr. Romantic
-Mr. Big shot
-Mr. Mature
-Mr. Man's Man
-Mr. Fun

Mr. Romantic is probably every women's dream to have. He's those type to send you flowers at work, send you cards, have candle light dinners with the most romantic view in the city. He's one who will show you the softer, caring more romantic side of men. Although in the long run he can tend to lose his pace of showering you with gifts, things can start working out again because he's a person that can be understanding.
Mr. Big shot is a very smart and clean guy. He likes to dress nice and look fresh and attend the most fabolous parties. He also works out and loves to look nice at all times, sometimes it can be a turn-off to some women when your guy takes longer in the bathroom then you. Because they are so up to date with fashion  Women tend to fall into like with these men because of their lavish ways of living. But when it comes to settling down, it can be tricky because all he's really looking for is fun. Who knows though, you might just be the one for him.
Mr. Mature is a bit older and much more responsible (at times). Depending on who you meet, some guys are still single and ready to mingle in their 30's and 40's. They're the one's that's are always hitting up the clubs looking for girls. Not all older men are like that, there's the other side who is successful and has a good job and home but just haven't find Ms.Right yet. They can be a bit more classy and take you to dinners rather than a movie night, and on top of that martini's are in the picture more than straight shots of tequlia. Mr. Mature are the one's to make you think about a long term relationship but sometimes that's not the case.
Mr. Man's Man is a very masculine guy that would defend you till the end of the world. He's not those types to have an evening out at a fancy restaurant he'll probably meet you over at the bar or something. They're the ones who won't show their true feelings about you in public but cares and loves you a ton. I'm sure if you're looking like those buff Jersey Shore guys girls would most defintely want you to have their backs.
Mr. Fun, he's the life of the party. Very outgoing and friendly rather at parties or family gatherings he can always make someone feel welcome. But be careful because a guy like that needs lots of attention and they don't do too well with long term relationships because of their constant needs to be social.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Girls will be Girls

Most questions guys will ask about girls are

-Why do they always go to the bathroom together?
-Why are they so sensitive?
-Why does it seem like they're always PMSing?
-Why are they so obessed with their hair?
-Why do they wear make-up?
-Why are they so insecure?

I'll be answering these questions and more indiviually throughout my blogs.

The answer to these questions are..."It's a GIRL THING!"
Ok well that's on top of everything i'm going to explain.

The Bathroom is like a gossip central for girls. Lets say there's a party and there's a bunch of people that you and your girl friend don't know or there's a guy that she really likes, that's the perfect place to go and talk. Girls always need a partner, someone to make them feel safe.We dont just go in and gossip, we DO use the bathroom too but that's the main reason. We can also use them as get aways. Say we need to call someone or call for a ride to get out of that party, that's a place we can go. Another example schools: girls talk smack in the bathrooms back and forth or write things about them and their boyfriend or crush. I remember those days. The whole bathroom thing i think will always be a mystery to guys that will never be solved because they won't understand. Although there's explanations guys and there questions will never stop.

GIRLS: feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Welcome to my blog. I hope you guys enjoy and learn from me and one another about relationships. This blog will be talking about long distance relationships, marriage, toxic relationships, abusive relationships and the roles of men and women.