Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Stages of a relationship

There are stages to every relationship, but these are the main ones that tend to happen in a long lasting relationship.
STAGE 1: Infactuation and courtship

 Everyone knows how it feels to be infactuated by another person. Everyone knows how it is to have that warm fuzzy feeling inside of you. The beginning stage of a relationship starts off by you two feeling like there is no one else in the world but you two. Each person tends to think about the other person constantly and want to be with that person at all times. This is when you get all the butterflies in the world and don't care about the stupid immature things that the other person does because you are BLIND by how amazing they are. I'm sure everyone has their ways of describing the first stage or maybe its a feeling you can't explain.
STAGE 2: Power Struggle

 This is when you two start to notice the little things about one another and adjust to reality. Minor arguments will start breaking out and can maybe escalate to bigger fights that can lead to breakups. This stage is when couples must learn to work together and put aside their differences to compromise. They must understand and communicate inorder to overcome their problems. But for some couples it can take years to get pass this stage if they don't cooperate. And you DO NOT want to be stuck in this stage because it then leads to an unhealthy relationship.

STAGE 3: Idenity formation and re-evaluation

 This stage is the most crucial for all relationships. It's either make it or break it. At this point of the relationship both of you begin to evaulate the love you have for each other and if you still want to be with each other. This is the dead end for the relationship and you two are stuck. Feelings and emotions start to come into play and intimacy can start to disappear. At this point both of you might be confused and affairs care most likely to occur. This stage is the hardest and it shows each of your true emotions. Many couples don't past this stage because there is a lack of communication, patience, understanding and trust.
STAGE 4: Awareness, and transformation

 After passing stage 3 this stage is also most important because its where you two reconnect and realize your needs for one another. Its when the war is over and you both have survived and its the time to rekindle your love. Yes I know it sounds corny but its the truth. This is when the couple realizes that they are better then what they use to be and can now do anything. There is now acceptence, understanding, patience, love, trust, and communication.

STAGE 5: Accepting

 There are few that make it to this stage but this is when each person is fully mature about the realtionship or can handle it. It's when responsibilites are understood and accepted to keep the relationship strong. About less than 5% of all couples make it to this stage, so be proud of yourself and you guys because YOU MADE IT!

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