Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Expert" interview-Fealy

I chose to interview Mrs. Fealy because she is the social worker at the school. Also i figured she'd have a good input on relationships. All the questions are honestly answered so please respect her thoughts.

1. What's your definition of a healthy relationship?

-A healthy relationship is one that has trust, communication, partnership, humor and caring.
 2. What's your definition of love?

-Love is a difficult word to define, I would say it is when you care about someone so much you know you want them to be a part of your life for a long time (or forever)

3. What advice would you give to a teen in a serious relationship?

- It depends…if it is a healthy relationship, my number one advice would be to make sure you have your own space and be yourself.  What I mean by that is, sometimes people can get caught up in each other so much they lose themselves in the relationship.
4. What advice would you give somone who is in a abusive relationship?

- I would give them some ways to handle the situation and empower them to remove themselves from the relationship.  They have to recognize first that it is an unhealthy relationship.  We also have other resources available to us that I can tap into for assistance.  Many people in abusive relationships are either hoping things will change or the do not know any better.  Sometimes education is needed on what is a healthy relationship and go from there. 

5. What trait do you think is the most important in a relationship?


6. When/how old were you when you first knew you were in love?

-Hmm…first “young” love, probably 15years old.  Real love…19 or 20?!?! 

7. Do you think there is a age limit to love? why?

-I am not sure…sometimes I feel yes, sometimes no.  It depends if it is healthy love and real.  I was young when I got married so I would be a hypocrite if I said YES.  J

8. Do you think age is just a number? why?

-Sometimes…it depends on the situation.


  1. Mrs. Feelys had some great answers to these questions. They are great questions and its interesting to see how some people answer these questions based off of their own experiance. Your blog is my favorite cat !! keep up the great work :)

  2. Her answers are good ones! Everyone seems to have different answers depending on when they first were in a serious relationship!

  3. funny how you two are the main ones to comment my blogs :D
