Monday, April 4, 2011

What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship? POLL

What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship?

you decide in the poll and give me a reason for your answer.

I think that the most important thing is TRUST. Without trust there is no relationship, because without trust there will be insecurity, and jealousy.


  1. I think that trust is a key thing in a relationship because without trust than how can you build your relatonship because if you cant trust the person that your witht than things are going to fall apart. Coming from personal experiance ive dated people and broke things off because i couldnt trust them but than after we broke up we would working on building the trust back up and than maybe try things out again. Thats why i think that trust is the most important thing in a relationship.

    , andrea <3 :)

  2. I believe that TRUST is the key to a good relationship. If you weren't able to trust the other person to do things like going out and doing whatever they said they were going out to do, you'd always be paranoid if your boyfriend/girlfriend is ever cheating on you, and then you go and try to confront them about it, and it all turns to mess when you don't even have proof. Better start letting your significant other do things they want to without worrying!

  3. I am not sure if any one thing takes presidence over the other choices. I think you need each of these items at different times and in different quantities. But if I had to choose I would pick patience.

  4. The most important would be love. Because if you really love some one all of those qualitys up there would fall in the category. And love is where you you want to spend every second with that person and you know your happy. And to me if you really love someone that is a relationship.
