Thursday, April 21, 2011

Signs of clingy people

Ok so not everyone likes a clingy person. Most people that are clingy are most likely insecure. Here are some signs of a person that might be getting too clingy.

 "Insecurity is at the heart of clinginess"

1. Constantly blowing up your phone

    -If they are constantly texting you or calling you every minute or every hour then they are way to clingy which can lead to that person being insecure about the relationship

2. Wanting to know where you are all the time

   -Asking you where you are all the time isn't neccessary. But some people do it because they are insecure.

3. They have no life of their own

   - Spending every minute of everday with you, thinking about you daily and planning out your days together. Also if they skip out on group activities to hang out with you.

4. They're constantly worried about getting dump

   - Insecurity is at the heart of clinginess, that's all I have to say

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