Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Acceptable and non-acceptable protocals of dating

     Well first off i'm sure most of you girls and guys have experienced or know someone who has been dumped through text or email. SUCKS! and whoever that person was is a WUSS. For girls most would want the guys to ask us on a date in person or through the phone, NOT TEXT! Like seriously, how am I suppose to know its you who wants to go on a date with me and not someone else using your phone?

Here are some things on what NOT to do when it comes to dating:
1. Never (guys especially) ask someone if they want to go out with you, thats middle school stuff.

Girls these days want gentlemen not boys, and if you say that it wouldn't mean for you guys to date just that you want to hangout with her. So the next time you want to ask a girl out try saying "do you want to be my girlfriend" or " do you want to go on a date with me" then ask her there (that's way sweeter :)

2. Never dump someone through text or email or worse have your friend say its over for you

If you are too scared to dump that person or you feel like they're going to get hurt its better to actually talk to them then through text, email or from a friend. Also it tells a lot about a person from doing that it shows that you still maybe want to be friends and you can explain yourself throughly with emotions rather than through writing. Because then the person you are dumping can take what you're saying the wrong way and hate you for the rest of your life.

3. Don't try to be a player, because you WILL GET CAUGHT!

Its a small world out there and everyone knows everyone, words spread like crazy so unless you want to be known as a sneaky jerk then don't do it. This goes for guys and girls.

4. Don't give up so easily

Some people give up on their relationship or the other person when things go bad. Remember, if you love that person as much as you say you do then you'd try to fix it with them no matter what. If you guys have been through everything together, ups and downs then why not try to get through the problem you guys have right then? I see relationships kind of like the game of tag. One person is going to have to always chase the other person until they can get that person happy, the person that gets tagged then has to chase the other person. It has to be fair when it comes to that though. One person can't chase the other person forever. Honestly just for the record most girls want the guys to chase them too see how far they would go, but that can lead to problems too.  

Here are some things you should/can do:
1. Guys, girls love a romantic guy.

You don't always have to be romantic but buying flowers "just because" it would cheer her up. Taking her out on a date from time to time would be nice. (Going out to tacobells and mcdonalds does not count.) Somewhere not too pricey but affordable for both of you and of course you're paying. GIRLS, you can do the same. Ask her " do you want to go on a date with me?" especially if you two have been dating for a long time, it'll bring back those blushy first moment days. GIRLS, don't let the guys do it all too. Do something nice for them once in awhile too, guys would appreciate it.

2. Make sure there is TRUST between you both

Everyone knows this, if there's no trust then there's no relationship. Make sure you both let eachother know you can trust one another so there won't be any trouble along the way. Also make sure you keep that trust, don't just expect them to trust you and you go sneaking around.

3. Make sure you remind the person you love that you love them and why

To keep a relationship good and strong with that spark, you don't have to constantly but let that special person know that you still love them and not the idea of them. Some people tend to get too comfortable with the person they love and forget why they even want to be with them or love them. Also don't just say it, show them.


  1. your so good at your posts! they actually are legit! (:
    i like how you relate it to both guys and girls even though girls get more into this type of stuff

  2. haha thanks. And i know, i wish more guys would read this stuff and try to think about it.
