Friday, March 18, 2011

Guys in General

Guys...can't live with them, can't live without them. I'm not going to say i know exactly how a guy's mind run, but from my previous experiences i would say that i know their personalities pretty well. There are 5 types of guys.
-Mr. Romantic
-Mr. Big shot
-Mr. Mature
-Mr. Man's Man
-Mr. Fun

Mr. Romantic is probably every women's dream to have. He's those type to send you flowers at work, send you cards, have candle light dinners with the most romantic view in the city. He's one who will show you the softer, caring more romantic side of men. Although in the long run he can tend to lose his pace of showering you with gifts, things can start working out again because he's a person that can be understanding.
Mr. Big shot is a very smart and clean guy. He likes to dress nice and look fresh and attend the most fabolous parties. He also works out and loves to look nice at all times, sometimes it can be a turn-off to some women when your guy takes longer in the bathroom then you. Because they are so up to date with fashion  Women tend to fall into like with these men because of their lavish ways of living. But when it comes to settling down, it can be tricky because all he's really looking for is fun. Who knows though, you might just be the one for him.
Mr. Mature is a bit older and much more responsible (at times). Depending on who you meet, some guys are still single and ready to mingle in their 30's and 40's. They're the one's that's are always hitting up the clubs looking for girls. Not all older men are like that, there's the other side who is successful and has a good job and home but just haven't find Ms.Right yet. They can be a bit more classy and take you to dinners rather than a movie night, and on top of that martini's are in the picture more than straight shots of tequlia. Mr. Mature are the one's to make you think about a long term relationship but sometimes that's not the case.
Mr. Man's Man is a very masculine guy that would defend you till the end of the world. He's not those types to have an evening out at a fancy restaurant he'll probably meet you over at the bar or something. They're the ones who won't show their true feelings about you in public but cares and loves you a ton. I'm sure if you're looking like those buff Jersey Shore guys girls would most defintely want you to have their backs.
Mr. Fun, he's the life of the party. Very outgoing and friendly rather at parties or family gatherings he can always make someone feel welcome. But be careful because a guy like that needs lots of attention and they don't do too well with long term relationships because of their constant needs to be social.


  1. What about Mr. Combination? For as much as girls do not want to be catagorized or stereotyped, guys want to avoid that as well. What is your picture of a perfect guy? Is it someone you picture or is it someone other people have told you you need to envision?

    Just some points to ponder :)

  2. Which one am I? (From a womans point of view of me) :]

  3. I'm sure there are guys that have all those types but i was just naming the top ones. Not trying to stereotype or anything just explaining what most women would see in a guy. I don't have a perfect guy, there is no perfect guy. I'm sure most girls want those guys that are in the movies; handsome, brave, romantic and loving. But guys like that nowadays are rare to find. I do know some people who have been with guys like that and they said it was sweet and everything that they ever wanted but then they didn't stick around because he was just too good to be true. Girls and guys these days don't really know what they want and just want to explore. But if you do know then good for you and good luck on finding that person. Nobody can really define perfect because what is perfect to them might not be to someone else. So i guess everyone's just gonna have to wait and see until they have met their special someone to define perfect in their own words.

  4. LOL Mr. Metcalf i don't know if i answered your question or not. I usually try not to ramble about things out of topic.
