Monday, April 25, 2011

Dating personality quizZzZZZzzzZZZZzzz!

Here is a dating personality quiz, it'll ask you some questions then give you your results at the end.
Take the quiz then post your answer and comment in the comments box.

Mine is:

Balanced dating personality

You have a balanced personality about dates. You neither want to go to date with anyone you come across, nor you want to impress him/her at any cost. You are not desperate for dates, but you enjoy them.

Whats your personality???


  1. Mine was the Fun Dating Personality.

    Fun dating personality
    Your date personality is fun. You have no fixed ideas about how to go on a great date. You may make surprising moves and your personality is always an exciting mystery for the person you date.

  2. You have a balanced personality about dates. You neither want to go to date with anyone you come across, nor you want to impress him/her at any cost. You are not desperate for dates, but you enjoy them.

  3. Mine was:
    Fun dating personality
    Your date personality is fun. You have no fixed ideas about how to go on a great date. You may make surprising moves and your personality is always an exciting mystery for the person you date.
